Corporate Guardianship Services
in Wisconsin


CGS, Inc. serves adults with disabilities, mental health challenges, brain injury, and dementia in Southern Wisconsin. Working with individuals and  their teams, we maintain a high standard of health, safety, and quality of life for each person, while striving to help them reach their goals.

We currently provide services to the following counties: Buffalo, Chippewa, Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Green, Iowa, Jackson, Jefferson, Milwaukee, Monroe, Pepin, Richland, Rock, Sauk, and Trempealeau. If you do not see your county listed, we may still be able to help; please do reach out using the form below.

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Guardian of Estate and Representative Payee Services

Controlling one's own money and financial independence is one of the most empowering elements of day-to-day living. Unfortunately, it can also be easily mismanaged or worse.

CGS understands the importance of financial guidance and oversight. It's never about taking over someone's finances; instead we help make sure everything is in order and help our clients maintain their lifestyle without feeling like they've surrendered their freedom.


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Guardian of

Setting a goal is the easy part. It's knowing what it takes to reach the goal, advocacy, plotting the path to success, and taking the first step that can be difficult.

CGS is here to help our clients reach their goals, whatever they may be. With decades of experience in the field and a commitment to client-focused service, our guidance can help improve clients' lives.


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Power of Attorney for healthcare and finances

Some individuals do not require guardianship but want to plan ahead for the unlikely possibility that he or she may need a trusted helper to act on their behalf in the event of a health emergency.

CGS helps clients with advanced planning, becoming Power of Attorney for Health Care, Finances, or both. We work with individuals to ensure that their wishes are documented, respected, and followed when it is most needed.



The staff at CGS quickly understands what clients and their support teams need. This flexibility allows CGS to adjust plans as circumstances change. They are trained to understand the dignity of risk and work with those who make unsafe choices.

Together, clients are shown a way to make good choices and how to navigate difficult times when they make poor choices. CGS works tirelessly on behalf of all clients to help them make responsible choices  and live a life that is meaningful to them.

Beth H.
Support Broker 


Through years of experience CGS has gained the trust of clients as well as from families and other service providers.

Functioning as an influencer and taking on challenging cases, CGS is a team player, respecting and inviting the opinions from all involved parties.  Their commitment to clients and not giving up has earned them the respect of the service community.

Wendy H.
Social Worker 




It's Time to Move Forward

Whether you are a professional or a family member considering corporate guardianship or a power of attorney, you need to find the right partner. CGS has decades of experience providing the support needed to help people set goals, design a plan for success and improve their lives. Let us know what you need and we'll let you know how we can get you moving forward again.

For general questions, please complete the form below